
Wheelchair Basketball

Dream should not be your Goal, set achievable Goals towards your Dream

Options when you are picked out

It is common for a player to be picked out away from Basket, specially when returning to defend. Some of these could not be avoided, however good to have a plan for when you are picked out.

  • Avoid being picked out on sidelines as player can block you in
  • If picked out near side line, try to move towards the middle.
  • pick-back.png
  • When you are picked out, look for any opposition player lower than you and pick on them. You will lose against 2 players however another player coming down to pick for them will cost them seconds, or sometimes you slow 2 players.
  • When picked out, if there is a player with the ball, try to pick on them, likely to be an easier pick.
  • Call for help

  • Shout to team for help and move the player to allow pick
  • Offence or defence, it is better for your player to be inside (near basket), so turn the player towards the line if possible.
  • When pick is set, turn towards the pick to clear the player, ensuring not enough gap for offensice player to come through
  • Ideally work with the pick to keep the player behind rather than leaving the pick to deal with the player.
  • pick-inside.png

    What if no help coming

  • If no help coming, keep moving the chair and try to keep the player engaged to use up seconds
  • Look for turn over ball and possibility of fast break since you are already out of defence
  • Or pick on similar level player and create man-out play for team.