
Wheelchair Basketball

Dream should not be your Goal, set achievable Goals towards your Dream

Improving self with SMART Goals


Every player knows that they have to improve, however it is not practical to work on improving everything at same time. Hence the need for setting SMART goals for individuals, it can be set by Coach or set your own.

SMART Goals for players

  • Specific : Target specific areas like wheelchair skills, shooting, handling, burst speed etc
  • Measurable : Have baseline and measure progress for example shooting percentage in the key, outside key. Travel speed with/without ball etc.
  • Achievable : Small goals like 2% improvement in shooting from key
  • Realistic : Is it realistic to achieve the goals in a specified time frame? Are you able to spend time training for it?
  • Timely : 5% layup score improvement by end of month, or 3 tenth faster by end of 3 months .
  • Baseline / Measurable metrics

    Before setting the Goals, you must know your current performance. So it is critical to have baseline measurements before you start working on improvement goals.

      Consider following while setting up baseline
    • Must record specifics of measurements so it can be accurately repeated
    • Ideally take an average out of 3 repeat performances when defining a baseline.
    • Good to have long term Target as well as short term Goals. Eg: Shooting from key Target 70+% in 2 years, Goal of 40+% in 3 months

    Examples of measurable metrics

      Shooting count basket

    • Lay-up 25 shots each side.
    • Lay-up with stop outside key 25 shots each side.
    • Random spot shooting with in key 50 Shots
    • Random spot shooting outside key. 25 Shots around key, and 25 away from key
    • Free throw 50 Shots
    • 3 Points line 50 Shots
    • Speed/wheelchair skills

    • Baseline to baseline pushing time
    • Baseline to baseline with ball pushing time
    • Start with back to court (180 degree turn) and then Baseline to baseline pushing time
    • Sprint to halfway, and reverse second half
    • Time to complete 10 length of court
    • Baseline start, at end of court, turn left, right, 180 turn and return to baseline.

    Drills you can do your own

      With Ball

    • Figure of 8 with ball, keeping ball on outside all the while.
    • Move and stop with the ball.
    • Single handed throw and catch against wall.
    • Switch ball side to side above head, in front.
    • Switch ball side to side behind back with or without bounce.
    • Fake shot and reposition.
    • Two ball dribble, same height or different height
    • Dribble while throw and catch tennis ball
    • With out Ball

    • Two push stop
    • Push stop, 90 Degree left, 180 right, 270 turn and return
    • Improve 360 turn speed
    • With a cone, side to side move, and stop. With turn or V shape