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ECR Repo

# Authenticate with ECR public repo
aws ecr-public get-login-password \
     --region us-east-1 | helm registry login \
     --username AWS \

Repo commands

# Add eks repo to local
helm repo add eks 
# Update repo manifest to get latest versions
helm repo update eks  
# List all local repos configures
helm repo list      
# Search for prometheus in all your local repos
helm search repo prometheus  
# All all available versions for specific chart
helm search repo prometheus/kube-state-metrics  --versions

Install / upgrade

# Search for all available versions of vpc-cni
helm search repo eks/aws-vpc-cni --versions  
# Install latest vpc-cni chart to kube-system namespace
helm install vpc-cni -n kube-system eks/aws-vpc-cni  
# Install specific version of vpc-cni
helm install vpc-cni eks/aws-vpc-cni  --version v1.16.2 
# Create namespace cni and install vpc-cni
helm install vpc-cni eks/aws-vpc-cni -n cni --create-namespace 

# Upgrade vpc-cni to new version
helm upgrade vpc-cni eks/aws-vpc-cni --version 1.17.1

New chart / helm repo creation

# Create a new helm chart template called myapp
helm create myapp .  
# Creates a tar.gz package of myapp
helm package myapp   
# Generate index for hosting in github pages or any other http server
helm repo index --url --merge index.yaml .