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DevOps tools

Link Descreption Link Descreption
K9S CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style! k8s lense K8s guid IDE
Kubectx Manage and switch context easily Kubens Easy set/switch namespace you are working on.
Tfswitch Easy switch terraform version as required TFlint A Pluggable Terraform Linter
tfsec/trivy Security scanner tool tfk8s Convert k8s manifest to terraform HCL format
tfdoc Quick documentation for terraform modules oh-my-zsh Unleash your terminal
kube-ps1 Get k8s context as prompt mkdocs Product documentation from markup
Iam to TF HCL Iam policy for TF hcl data kubeconfig-cleanup Clean up Kube config file
Krew Help install kubectl plugins Inspector Gadget eBPF based gadget to troubleshoot
kubectl view-secret Decrypt secret


Visual subnet splitter


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