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Cloud Storage

Object storage bucket. Any amount of data and retrieve any numer of time. Storing BLOB is ideal. Data stored is immutable, only new version or overwrite. Allows versioning. Access can be manged by IAM and ACL Lifecycle management policies to manage data, like removing old, controlling number of versions etc Directory sync enables VM directory sync

Types of Cloud Storage

  • Standard : Frequently accessed data
  • Nearline : Infrequent like once per month
  • Coldline : Access once every 90 days
  • Archive : Ideal for DR, accessed less than once year. Higher access cost.


Saves cost by moving infrequent data to lower cost storage Storage transfer service : Allow larger data transfer. Transfer Appliance : Hardware appliance to transfer data.


NFS V3 compatible file share.

Cloud SQL

Fully managed Mysql, postgress SQL or SQL server - Automatic replication - data encrypted - Includes Network firewall

Alloy DB

A faster SQL compatible DB managed by google.

Cloud Spanner

SQL compatible Relational database. - Scales horizontally - Very consistent - SQL compatible - High IP operations


No SQL database for mobile, web, IoT services. Data is stored in documents and organized in to collections. Stored as key:value pair. No SQL queries to retrieve data. Indexed by default Data is cached and get updated when device is online. Billing based on storage, queries, documents read ACID transaction. Ensure entire transaction consistency


No SQL Bigdata DB service. Handles huge data volumes with lo latency Ideal for Operational and analytical applications Ideal if - more than 1 TB data - Data is fast throughput, or rapidly changing. - Time series or data with semantic ordering - Realtime processing of large data - Machine learning algorithm

Memory store (Redis)

  • Managed redis
  • In memory data service
Option Best for Capacity
Cloud storage Immutable blobs larger than 5mb. in buckets Petabyts, 5TB biggest object
Cloud SQL Full SQL, for webframe work or existing applications 64TB
Cloud Spanner SQL compatible, horizontal scaling. Petabytes
Firestore Massive scaling with real time query. Offline query support Petabytes, max object size 1MB
Cloud Bigtable Large amount of analytical data. No SQL Petabytes