Metric type
- Gauges : Snapshot of changing value, can go up or down. Eg: current memory usage.
- Counter : Always increases. Like total requests count. Used to identify rate of increase
- Histogram : Records data in buckets. Like 99% requests time, 90% requests etc.
- Summary : Record average. It provide 2 information, count and seconds. For eg : 5 req per sec requests
Prometheus Service Discovery
Is a mechanism that enables Prometheus to automatically find and monitor targets (e.g., services, instances, or endpoints) without requiring manual configuration. This is essential in dynamic environments, such as Kubernetes, cloud platforms, or containerized applications, where services and their instances frequently change. Supports varioud SD configuration like file, HTTP, and various cloud providers.
Enables renaming the label received to something else. In below example, if the value of the source label runtime
is container
, replace it as docker
- source_labels: [runtime]
regex: container
target_label: runtime
replacement: docker
Allows relabel, drop metrics altogether at time of scrape.
Below example if the metric name start with go_
it is dropped immediately.
Simple promQl selector allow retrieving data matching those selector
kube_pod_owner{namespace="argocd", pod=~".*repo.*"}
Selects namespace argocd
and pod name containing repo
: Counter increase rate over 5min period
sum(rate(node_cpu_guest_seconds_total[5m])) by (namespace,pod)
: Counter sum of rate change by namespace and podname.
sum(rate(node_cpu_guest_seconds_total[5m])) without (namespace)
: Counter sum and omit namespace data.