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SRE Principles SLO

User experiences are strongly connected to past experiences. Evaluate metrics of the systems when users were seem happy to select metrics.

Getting started

  • If there is historical data, identify a threshold based on existing data
  • If no existing data, define SLI metrics and measure over set period to identify SLO target

Achievable SLO

These are based on historical data, but there is metric/evidence mesure user happiness. Existing data and perfomance does not necessarily indicate weather your systems are working well and users are happy with its performance or not.

Aspirational Target

Defined by the business needs. Performance aspirations and Business needs may differ.

Process of defining SLI/SLO

  1. Slect an SLI Specification you wish to use.
  2. Refine the specification in to a detailed SLI implementation.
  3. Walk through the user journey and look for coverage gaps
  4. Set aspirational SLO targets based on business needs