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EKS Addons management

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EKS logo AWS provides multiple addon packages to aid EKS cluster and some of those are installed by default. However it does not always get upgraded unless you specify respective version. It is not always easy finding the right version of package and here is a collection commands to help with that.

There are additional addons provided by vendors as well

List all addons and latest version for specific k8s version

Following command will list all addons and their latest version for kubernetes 1.31

aws eks describe-addon-versions \
    --kubernetes-version=1.31 \
    --query 'sort_by(addons  &addonName)[].{owner: owner, addonName: addonName, type: type, Version: addonVersions[0].addonVersion }'

Get latest version for specific addon

This command will return latest version of addon available for k8s version provided

aws eks describe-addon-versions \
    --kubernetes-version=1.31 \
    --addon-name=vpc-cni \
    --query 'sort_by(addons  &addonName)[].{owner: owner, addonName: addonName, type: type, Version: addonVersions[0].addonVersion }'

Get all versions of specific addon for k8s version

Sometimes you may not want latest version and find out all available versions for an addon

aws eks describe-addon-versions  \
    --kubernetes-version=1.31 \
    --addon-name=vpc-cni \
    --query 'sort_by(addons  &addonName)[].{owner: owner, addonName: addonName, type: type, Version: addonVersions[].addonVersion }'

Get list of all available addons

Simple list of all available addons

aws eks describe-addon-versions \
    --kubernetes-version=1.31 \
    --query 'sort_by(addons  &addonName)[].{addonName: addonName}' | grep addonName | awk -F: '{ print $2}'

List all addons provided by AWS and latest version

aws eks describe-addon-versions  \
    --kubernetes-version=1.31  --owner=aws \
    --query 'sort_by(addons  &addonName)[].{owner: owner, addonName: addonName, type: type, Version: addonVersions[0].addonVersion }'

Get configuration options for addon

Many addons comes with additional configuration options. Yaml output provides best format.

aws eks --profile $PROFILE describe-addon-configuration --addon-name vpc-cni --addon-version v1.15.5-eksbuild.1 --output yaml 

List addons installed on your cluster

aws eks --profile $PROFILE list-addons --cluster-name cluster1