A Cheat sheet
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Eks kube config
Update kubeconfig file with AWS EKS cluster credentials
Commands to list and verify EKS addons and its versions for specific K8s versions.
# Get latest version for specific add on for specific K8s version
aws eks describe-addon-versions --profile $PROFILE \
--kubernetes-version=1.30 \
--addon-name=vpc-cni \
--query 'sort_by(addons &addonName)[].{owner: owner, addonName: addonName, type: type, Version: addonVersions[0].addonVersion }'
# Get all latest addOn versions
aws eks --profile $PROFILE describe-addon-versions \
--kubernetes-version=1.30 \
--query 'sort_by(addons &addonName)[].{owner: owner, addonName: addonName, type: type, Version: addonVersions[0].addonVersion }'
# Get available configurations for specific addon
aws eks --profile $PROFILE describe-addon-configuration --addon-name vpc-cni --addon-version v1.15.5-eksbuild.1 --output yaml
# List addons installed on your cluster
aws eks --profile $PROFILE list-addons --cluster-name uk-as-dev-cluster1
ECR public repo unable to retrieve credentials
When trying to access public repo hosted on AWS ECR can result in Authentication failure.
helm pull oci://public.ecr.aws/karpenter/karpenter
Error: GET "https://public.ecr.aws/v2/karpenter/karpenter/tags/list":
unable to retrieve credentials
Log on to helm registry with AWS ECR public access credentials
aws ecr-public get-login-password \
--region us-east-1 | helm registry login \
--username AWS \
--password-stdin public.ecr.aws